Wednesday, 30 November 2016



Premature aging has become a growing problem in today’s world. Many people are facing it and experiencing the symptoms way ahead of their time. Gray hair is the number one symptom we all dread but when faced with it we resort to the simplest and fastest solution we know. Hair coloring!
However, hair dyes contain dangerous and toxic chemicals which often damage our hair excessively. Luckily for you there is a completely natural and effective way to resolve this problem, and we’ll show you how.
But first let’s see what causes gray hair in the first place, and then we’ll see how to get rid of it naturally.
  1. Genetics
If the majority of your family is dealing with premature aging there is a great chance that you’ll experience this problem as well.
  1. Stress
Stress has become the plague of modern day. We stress out at work, at home, travelling, simply everywhere we go we’re exposed to it. Stress in combination with lack of sleep can easily lead to gray hair, no matter how young we are.
  1. Lifestyle
We don’t think a lot about how we lead our lives, what we eat, how often we exercise and how much we sleep, but all these factors influence premature aging. When we don’t lead a healthy lifestyle we don’t give our body enough nutrients which eventually lead to premature gray hairs.
  1. Aging
Gray hair is usually associated with aging, but did you know why? As we grow old our body isn’t producing enough melanin and on account of this our hair starts getting gray, silvery or white.
The best natural solution for gray hair
One of the best remedies for this problem is coconut oil. It makes your hair stronger and shinier and encourages faster hair growth.
Coconut oil is rich in carbs, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins, which nourish and strengthen your hair and scalp. It has been used for centuries by ancient civilizations for hair care and is the best natural solution. Regular use of coconut oil will help you protect your hair and make it shinier and prettier than ever before.
Using coconut oil for grey hair
Warm up 2-3 tbsp. of coconut oil for about 20 seconds, until it softens. Apply it on your scalp and the roots of your hair, massaging the scalp gently with the tips of your fingers. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wait for the oil to penetrate and moisturize the follicles. Rinse your hair with warm water.
After you’ve finished wash your hair just like you normally do, with shampoo and conditioner. Repeat the same procedure every day for best results.
If you are persistent and use coconut oil every day your gray hairs will disappear entirely and your hair will become stronger, healthier and more beautiful.

How to Upgrade Linux Kernel to Stable 3.18.4 on CentOS 7.x

Linux Kernel 3.18.4 Stable

There was a recent announcement of the release of Latest kernel 3.18.4 which includes many changes, you can check the Changelog for the complete list of changes.
WARNING: Installing a new kernel may render your system unusable or unstable. If you proceed with the installation using the instructions below, make sure you back up any important data you have to an external hard drive.

Installing Linux Kernel 3.18.4

So, we're gonna install our latest and stable release of linux kernel 3.18.4 on our CentOS 7 Linux Distribution which is based on fedora. We we'll be tutoring about 2 common ways of install linux kernel 3.18.4 on CentOS 7.
1. Using ELRepo
2. Compiling and installing from the source
Note: Please make sure to choose anyone of the above ways.
First we'll gonna go for installing using ELRepo as its the easiest way to do.

Installing using Elrepo

1. Downloading and Installing ELRepo

We'll first gonna download the GPG key of ELRepo and install the relrepo-release package. As this tutorial is for CentOS 7. We'll gonna install elrepo-release-7.0-2.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm using the command below.
Note: If you have a secure boot enabled please see this page for more information.
# rpm --import
# rpm -Uvh

Installing ELRepo release

2. Updating Kernel to version 3.18.4

Now, we'll gonna install the latest stable kernel 3.18.4 from the ELRepo repository. To do so, we'll need to enter the following commands in a shell or terminal of the CentOS 7.
# yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml
Installing ELRepo Linux kernel
The above command will automatically install the Linux Kernel 3.18.4 build for CentOS 7.
Now, here below is the another way of installing the latest kernel 3.18.4 by compiling from the source.

Compiling and Installing from the Source

1. Installing the Dependencies

So, first of all we'll need to install the dependencies required to compile the linux kernel but most of the machines must have it preinstalled.
# yum install gcc ncurses ncurses-devel
Then, we'll gonna update our whole system.
# yum update

2. Downloading the package

We'll now gonna download the latest and stable release of linux kernel 3.18.4 inside /tmp using wget command from the official repository of Linux Kernel. You can also download the kernel directly from the site .
#  cd /tmp/
# wget

 Downloading Linux Kernel Package

3. Extracting the package

Once the file is downloaded we'll extract it under /usr/src/ directory by running the below command.
# tar -xf linux-3.18.4.tar.xz -C /usr/src/
# cd /usr/src/linux-3.18.4/

extracting compressed Kernel package

4. Configuring

For New Kernel Configuration

Now we'll run the make menuconfig command in the shell or terminal to configure the Linux kernel. Once we've executed the below command a pop up window with all the menus appears. Here we can select our new kernel configuration. If you unfamiliar with these menus, just hit double ESC key to exit.
# make menuconfig

make menuconfig

For Old Configuration

If you like to configure your latest kernel with old configuration then simple type the below command.
# make oldconfig

Make OldConfig

Step 5: Compiling

Next, we'll execute the make command to compile the Kernel 3.18.4 . The compilation would take at least 20-30 minutes depends on your system configuration. I had got an error while compiling the kernel saying bc command not found. You can fix that by installing bc using the command yum install bc .
# make

6. Installing into the system

Once the compliation is complished. We'll now finally install the Kernel in our Linux System. The below command will create files under /boot directory and also make a new kernel entry in your grub.conf file.
# make modules_install install

Installing kernel

7. Verifying Kernel

After installing our latest kernel 3.18.4 we'll want to verify it. To do so we'll just type the following command on the terminal. If everything went fine, we'll get your kernel version ie. 3.18.4 enlisted in the output.

# uname -r


Does Your Haircut Fit Your Face?

I am a barber, and I consider my work an art.
Young and middle-aged and old men come to me, and I sculpt whatever hair they’ve got to accentuate their best features—that aspect which makes them totally unique, and uniquely attractive. It may be a strong chin, an angular nose, or colorful eyes.
After years of practice and thousands of haircuts sculpted, I like to think I’ve perfected the craft, and that everyone who enters my salon leaves looking better than when they’ve come in.
It’s taken me a lot of dedication and effort to learn how to perfectly arrange men’s hair. It’s something I’ve earned. So it doesn’t surprise me when good-looking young gentlemen ask me for cuts that will make them look terrible.
After all, most men decide that they would like to style their hair after whatever is fashionable, instead of what naturally fits their features.


Men’s faces fall into a few broad categories—square, triangular, round, oval, and long—and the way in which we frame our faces using facial hair and the hair on our heads has a significant effect on our appearance.
If you’ve ever seen one man look dashing with short hair and a full beard, while another gentleman attempts the same look but ends up looking boorish, then you’ve identified the relationship between facial features and hair styles.

On his excellent website, Craig the Barber posts an easy and useful activity to ascertain the shape of your head.
  • First, stand in front of your mirror and pull your hair back with your hands. If your hair is lengthy, wet your hair with water and comb it back.
  • Then grab a bar of soap, and trace the outline of your head directly on your mirror, from the top of your scalp, around your temples, to your jawline and chin, and then back up to your starting point.
Unless you have a very, very unique head shape, the frame of your head and face will be one of the following:


Aiden Turner---Square Face
Features: A broad jaw-line will terminate in a near-right angle beneath the cheekbones or ears, and temples will travel straight up and down, rather than tapering inward.
In other words, a face that is square-shaped will be one where the forehead, cheekbones, and jaw are roughly the same width.
How to Frame A Square Face: Men with square-shaped heads tend to look best with the hair above the ears and behind the temples being short, with the hair on the top of the head longer and styled upward (Brad Pitt usually wears such a haircut).
How to Use Your Facial Hair: Many women find a prominent jaw appealing, so if you’ve got a square jaw, there’s no need to hide it with a beard or mustache!
If you do decide to grow facial hair, however, any hair that maintains the square jaw will do: some scruff, a goatee, or a beard with deliberate lines.

A well-groomed mustache may work (think Brad Pitt in Inglorious Basterds), but if we’re being honest, some men look silly with mustaches. Review on a case-by-case basis.
If you find that your head is square-shaped, consider yourself lucky: many male models boast high cheekbones, and a square head.


Ryan Gosling---Triangular
Features: Wide cheekbones that taper down to a pointed chin.
How to Frame A Triangular Face: A triangular-shaped face with high-cheekbones will look especially good when hair covers the forehead (a style often featured by Johnny Depp).
Many men with this facial structure also look great utilizing the “high and dry” and shave their hair close to the scalp–an excellent look, because it accentuates the eyes and the angles of the face.
How to Use Your Facial Hair: Scruff is a good bet for any man, but many guys with pointed chins and triangular faces do even better with full beards or facial hair that is shaped to accentuate their jawline.
Goatees may not always work, as the facial shaped is already triangular–too much of a good thing.


Jack Black---Round Face
Features: A rounded jawline, and a rounded crown. Symmetry on top and bottom and left and right.
How to Frame A Round Face: Short hair at the temples and above the ears along with hair styled high on the top can be a very attractive look for men with rounded heads.
Square-ish hairstyles will help create the illusion of a more diamond-shaped face, and an off-center part with the hair pulled off the forehead can help slim the face.
How to Use Your Facial Hair: Men with rounded faces often choose to grow full beards, and that can be an excellent look.
Other men opt for a pointed beard or a goatee, which makes the face appear oval- or diamond-shaped—shapes which accentuate the jaw and angle of the eyebrows.
A Note of Caution: If you have a round face, be sure avoid long hair that is cut to a single length. It’s a look that rarely seems appealing.
Take a look at the drastic change in actor Jorge Garcia with a single-length long cut when compared to a more styled look.
By pulling his hair back he’s create a more oval-shaped appearance, and by allowing some stubble to grow in, he’s made his chin look more angular and sharp.


laff middle of nowhere 210612
Features: A discretely rounded jaw gradually tapering towards the ear; the temples above the ears ease upwards toward the top of the crown.
How to Frame An Oval Face: Square-jawed faces are envied among most men, but men with oval faces have the ability to adopt any number of hairstyles, and are less bound to a particular style.
Oval-faced men are a “gimme” for barbers, in that any haircut works well!
How to Use Your Facial Hair: Short scruff can be a good look on an oval face, but it can also be helpful to experiment with goatees, to create a diamond-shaped frame that accentuates the cheekbones and eyes.
Oval faces are always quite common among male models. If you have an oval face, you are quite lucky.


Adam Levine---Long
Features: The long face is characterized as having temples, cheekbones, and a jaw that are the same width.
Where an oval face will be curved from top to bottom, a long face will usually be flatter on the sides.
How to Frame A Long Face: Haircuts that are a little bit longer on the sides and shorter on the top can make a long face appear more oval. Hair swept over the forehead can be a beneficial look.
Steer clear of high-styled haircuts where hair is swept upward and back, as that can make the face appear even longer.
How to use Your Facial Hair: Groomed facial hair can give the appearance of a stronger jawline, and a busy beard that extends past the jaw can make the face appear more rounded.
A goatee can also be used to create a more triangular-shaped head.

Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy! Start Using This Natural Shampoo

Image result for Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy! Start Using This Natural Shampoo

There are many products available in the market that might help you to boost hair growth, but they are often expensive and filled with chemicals. Read this article carefully and find out how to prepare you own, homemade shampoo that can surely help you to boost your hair growth. So, instead of buying shampoo with chemicals, make your own natural one. This natural shampoo will stimulate hair growth for sure
For preparing this amazing shampoo, you will need baking soda because it is already proven that it is very effective in improving your hair quality. Your hair will be shiny again and you will notice significant improvements right after few treatments.

At the beginning it may look little weird to wash your hair without the foam from the shampoo like usual, but you will get used to it after few washes. And, you will surely be amazed by the results.
Baking Soda Shampoo for Hair Growth
You will need to combine 3 parts of water and 1 part of baking soda into small squeeze bottle. Based on your hair length, you should dose the ingredients – baking soda and water. If you have shoulder length, for example, mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 times more water. Apply this combination on your hair, starting from the roots and all the way to your ends. Leave it on for about 3 to 4 minutes and then rinse.
Then, after this procedure, you should apply and apple cider vinegar rinse. You can prepare this rinse by mixing 1 part of ACV with 4 parts of water. You can add few drops of your favorite essential oil for improving the smell. Now, tilt your head back and rinse your hair. Be careful, protect your eyes from this mixture. Apply this rinse one entire hair length and let it air dry. Your hair will be shiny and healthy after only few treatments.


Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Over the last few years the essential oils became very popular and more and more people realized their potential and start to utilize them. The essential oils are used since ancient times due to their incredible benefits.

These oils can be used in many different ways and for many different purposes. For instance, you can use essential oils for preparation of very powerful homemade shampoos that have the ability to treat anything from dandruff to hair loss.
Hair loss is very common issue that affects both, men and women. In the pharmacies there are various products that promise incredible results, but often ineffective and very expensive.
Below we are going to suggest you one DIY shampoo that will prevent hair loss and will make it grow like crazy!
Here’s what you need to do: you will need shampoo with neutral pH. Into the shampoo add 2 capsules of vitamin E and 10 drops of rosemary essential oil and 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Shake well before use.
Apply the shampoo on wet hair and massage gently in your scalp about 10 minutes and then leave it to work for 10 minutes. Finally rinse your hair with warm water.
We recommend you to try this remarkable recipe and solve the issue with hair loss!

Monday, 28 November 2016

Linux Mint vs Ubuntu: Which Distro Should You Choose?

Linux Mint and Ubuntu are both known as two of the most newbie-friendly distros around. Ubuntu is the most popular — so much so that Linux Mint is based on it. But there are real differences between the two. Which one is right for you?


Ubuntu began in 2004 when millionaire Mark Shuttleworth founded Canonical. The first release was version 4.10, referring to October 2004. A new one becomes available for download every six months. Each fourth version serves as an LTS (long-term support) release; Ubuntu 16.04 LTS launched in April 2016.

For the first six years of the project, Ubuntu’s tagline was “Linux for Human Beings.” While Canonical has changed the branding, Ubuntu remains a distribution aimed at new users.

Linux Mint first hit the scene in 2006. The distro is built on top of Ubuntu but takes extra steps to remove obstacles for newcomers. One key distinction from most other distros is the inclusion of Flash and proprietary codecs out of the box. This will change with the upcoming release, version 18. Then users will have to download codecs during or after installation.

While the numbers are different, Linux Mint releases typically come a few months after each Ubuntu version. Starting with 17, every LTS marks a new version number, with the three subsequent releases being x.1, x.2, and x.3.

System Requirements

512MB RAM (2GB recommended)
5GB of disk space (25GB recommended)
1024 x 768 screen resolution
Linux Mint:
512MB Ram (1GB recommended)
9GB of disk space (20GB recommended)
800 x 600 screen resolution (1024 x 768 recommended)
Both need a DVD drive or USB port for installation.
Ubuntu and Linux Mint have similar system requirements. The biggest impact on resources comes from which desktop environment you choose and the software you install.


Ubuntu and Linux Mint both use the Ubiquity installer. This means if you can figure out how to install one, you know how to install the other. The experience isn’t identical, but it’s close.
That’s not to say that Ubuntu and Linux Mint support identical hardware. That can change depending on which version of the Linux kernel each comes with. Other software decisions can affect what runs where. Ubuntu has more resources and users to point out problems, so you might find better support there. Your mileage may vary.
Linux Mint and Ubuntu both support UEFI. Linux Mint is not certified by Microsoft, so disable Secure Boot before attempting installation. With Ubuntu, you can leave Secure Boot enabled.


Most distros default to one of the standard Linux desktop environments. Both Ubuntu and Linux Mint develop their own.
Ubuntu uses the Unity interface. This is a GNOME-based desktop environment common only to Ubuntu. A global menu and notification area occupy a panel across the top, and applications live in a dock along the side. You launch software from the Dash, the dashboard that appears when you click the Ubuntu icon.

Linux Mint’s Cinnamon desktop is an alternative to GNOME 3, born before the latter won over the hearts of many long-time Linux users. Cinnamon provides a familiar feel for people moving over from Windows or a Chromebook. Applications appear in the panel along the bottom, with a launcher menu in the bottom left and system icons on the right.
Linux Mint 18 marks the debut of Cinnamon 3.0. You can get an overview of new features in the video below.

Both Ubuntu and Linux Mint come with their own user themes. Ubuntu has Radiance and Ambiance, while Linux has Mint-Y, a new look based on the Arc theme and Moka icons.
Unity may feel more familiar to Mac OS X users, while Linux Mint makes for an easy transition for Windows users.


Ubuntu has its own interface, a new package format, an upcoming display server, and other infrastructure. But it doesn’t come with many exclusive apps. One holdout, the Ubuntu Software Center, went away in the latest release. Now Ubuntu uses GNOME Software alongside many other GNOME apps. When software doesn’t fit in with the Unity interface, Canonical makes patches to ease the situation.
In response to the same issue, Linux Mint is introducing X-Apps. These are generic applications aimed at traditional GTK desktop environments. They continue to use titlebars and menubars, elements the GNOME desktop has phased out for GNOME 3.x. The screenshot below shows Xviewer, an alternative image viewer to Eye of GNOME.
The team develops many apps specifically for Linux Mint. The distro has its own package manager, backup tool, upload manager, and others.
In either case, you will be able to continue using the vast majority of the open source software you know and love.

Official Spins

There are ten versions of Ubuntu listed on the distro’s website. Besides the Unity desktop, you have alternative “flavors” that default to GNOME, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, MATE, and MythTV. There are also specialized distributions, such as Edubuntu for education, Ubuntu Studio for multimedia producers, and Ubuntu Kylin for Chinese users.

Linux Mint has four main options. There’s Cinnamon, MATE, KDE, and XFCE. 17.3 has two versions, one with and without codecs, but this will change with version 18. There are also OEM images that manufacturers can use to pre-instal Mint.
Both distros let you set up your own desktop environments, but if you want to experiment with a bunch without configuring things yourself, Ubuntu is the way to go.

Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint: Which Will You Choose?

Ubuntu is the more well-known of the two distros, but Linux Mint is also one of the most popular out there. Both provide users with a great introduction to Linux. More Ubuntu-related web content exists due to the size of its community, which is a big help when you’re starting off. But much of what applies to Ubuntu also applies to Mint.



People usually consider their hair to be one of the most important physical attributes. That’s why many people spend large amounts of money on treatments to make it look really perfect, but these treatments sometimes don’t work and they can be very expensive. In today’s article, we’re going to present you a natural treatment that will help you grow your hair in a really impressive way.
Hair loss is one of the major skin problems causing greatest concern in people. It can be caused by various factors, such as stress, hormonal changes and in many cases excessive use of dyes or continued use of the dryer, irons or curling irons.

According to some recent studies, another factor that can influence the hair loss is food, because a person with a poor diet can experience hair loss in large quantities because of  nutritional deficiencies.
Extreme diets can hurt rather than help. An adult has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs grow and fall continuously for a cycle called hair cycle. The average daily drop as many dermatologists claim is 60 to 100 hairs. When the fall exceeds this limit, it is important to investigate the cause of that.


There is a variety of products on the market nowadays and they all promise to help against hair loss, but they may be very expensive and often cause side effects, so today, we’re offering you a treatment that has surprised numerous dermatologists thanks to its effectiveness. You just need the following ingredients:
  • 1/2 a banana
  • One egg yolk
  • One tablespoon of organic honey
  • Half a glass of beer
The procedure is very simple. Just mix all the ingredients until you get a smooth paste and then you apply it to all those places where you can notice the absence of hair. Let it stay for at least two hours and then wash your hair regularly. You’ll notice that you grow your hair like crazy after a while and you’ll use this treatment often!